Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Last few weeks in a nutshell...

I've been silent on this blog for a few weeks I thought I should throw some pics on here and report in.

A few weeks ago (2-18-08), Angie and I went to Las Vegas to see Phantom of the Opera. While there we saw Tara and Derrick (friends of Angie from way back and pictured below). We gambled, clubed, rode roller coasters, saw an IMAX film, ...

Ryan Shininger had a birthday gettogether in Boulder, CO on 2-23-08. I got to see my buddy Brian Braeckel (going to school at CU) while we were clubbing. He got a job with Microsoft in Redmond, WA--so he'll be making some cash one of these days...

The Jack Quinn's Running Club Steering Committee met in Frisco, CO at a condo for the weekend of 2-29-08 through 3-3-08. About 11 of us were present. We all did different things throughout the weekend. I hit Breckenridge with Charlie on Saturday (an absolutely beautiful day). We met Avi and his friend Zack there as well.

Sunday was somewhat miserable weather-wise. Ryan, Stacey, Allison, and I did some snowshoeing Sunday afternoon:

Josh, Matt, and Ryan showing off our stupid "temp tattoos":

Sunday afternoon/evening, most people tried to brave the bad weather and drive back to Colorado Springs. Ryan, Harold, Allison, and I had better judgement. We decided to stay up one more night and finish off the keg:

After recovering from an absolutely crazy Sunday night, I decided to skip the entire day of work on Monday and go skiing with the crew at Vail. The snow was awesomely deep!

Stay tuned for what comes next in the life of Matt/BLOS... ;)