Sunday, June 8, 2008

Whitewater Rafting

Saturday, June 7: John, Jesse, Dan, Avi, Charlie, Ai Lee, JT, Katie, Harold, Alyssa, and myself did a little whitewater rafting through the Royal Gorge on the Arkansas River. The river was flowing at 2980 CFS (or something like that). Commerical rafters aren't allowed through the Gorge when the river is over 3200. The Gorge had been closed virtually all week--but luckily opened up for us Saturday morning.

One commerical raft flipped spilling people, oars, and other equipment everywhere...and some of our group came pretty close to taking a swim. Pretty exciting ride!

John, Will (raft guide), me, Jesse, and Dan:

The entire crew (less Harold and Alyssa):

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